Cyber Liability — News — Affinity Insurance Services Pty Ltd - Oracle Group NSW

Cyber Liability

Zurich - The ins and outs of Cybercrime

Zurich - The ins and outs of Cybercrime

The consequences of cyber risks can disrupt critical business infrastructure and derail productivity at the operational level. Here’s a complete look at where they originate, what they target and their consequences.


AIG Cybercrime Intro

AIG Cybercrime Intro

Cyber security is the most prominent risk issue facing company Boards of Directors and executives worldwide. We are inundated almost daily with accounts of major corporate data breaches and compromised networks. Recent high-profile attacks such as the targeting of point-of-sale terminals at Target, Home Depot and Staples, server software at JP Morgan, and employee databases at Sony, demonstrate how vulnerable even the largest and most sophisticated companies can be. In this highly challenging environment, board members and executives are, not surprisingly, unsure of how best to protect themselves.